Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Part 2 of THE story...



So...where did we leave off. Ok So Melissa and I left the store and I told her to not talk about anything wedding or marriage and that was pure torture. The topic kept getting brought up. This was like the 10th of November and at this time I was planning on proposing in the middle of December. 

Well Melissa told her parents and sisters that we had gone ring shopping and I was worried because the week of Thanksgiving we were going to all be in her parent's house outside of Las Vegas. Me Melissa her sister's families and her parents. I was worried that since everyone in the family knew, they would all be wanting to talk about it all the time and the topic would get worn down and by the time I proposed it would already be old news and there would be zero magic and zero surprise. She assured me that she would tell them not to bring it up but I was still a little wary. These people have a mind of their own and I doubt it would be humanly possible to go an entire week without someone pointing out the elephant in the room. 

So I came up with a master plan. I was going to propose BEFORE thanksgiving and then we could talk about it with her family!

So yea. That Saturday (one week before we left for thanksgiving) I went to the store to buy the ring. If had to get resized so it would fit her toothpick fingers. I made the by far most expensive purchase of my life and they told me it would be ready within the next week. Perfect. 

Well that Saturday Melissa went shopping with some roommates and they were at the mall. That mall had the same jewelry store as place we looked at in Rexburg and her roommates wanted to see the ring so they went in and she pointed it out to them. The salesman told her that the ring there in that store was too big to size down and this ring would take 6 weeks to order in so "I better hurry up and get it now." Even MORE perfect. 

So Melissa told me this and I was ecstatic! I had already boughten the ring and was planning on proposing soon and she thought the soonest it could happen was 6 weeks. I remember acting upset and basically telling her that it wasn't fair that he said that because now she knows more or less when it will happen. for the proposal. I knew these things for sure. 

1. I did NOT want to propose in either of our apartments. We both had roommates that were awkward and just no...not happening like that. 

2. I did NOT want a public proposal, or for it to be recorded. I kinda wanted it to be something that we could remember as being more magical than it was without people being like "actually it wasn't like that. I saw"

3. I wanted it to be awesome and a complete and total surprise. 

So that Thursday I picked up the ring and it was perfect!

I had it in my pocket and I felt like it was a ticking bomb! I just wanted it to go on her finger so I wouldn't lose it. 

I was enrolled in an FA100 class and I picked her up to go to this HORRIBLE play. She was in a tiny bit of a mood because I told her to have all her homework done by that night ( she stayed up till 1 am the night before...yikes) so that she will be free that thursday night and I assured her it would be worth it.  

So yea I pick her up and then we go to the play. The Marriage of Figaro. It was good....kinda. Just a bunch of 2nd rate opera singers belting out the confusing and strange story. I wasn't focusing at all on account of the rock in my pocket...which she tried leaning into and I had to move a lot so she didn't feel the ring in my jacket pocket. Well the play got over and my heart started racing. The plan was to go get some hot chocolate and go for a walk and rock her world with a nice kick butt proposal. It was cold. Melissa happens to be afflicted with cold induced urticaria, which basically means she is allergic to the cold. Her legs turn red and get hives and its just bad. Well we got some hot chocolate and went to Smith park and I told her to get out so we can go for a walk. The very confused Melissy pants gets out of the car and into the darkness we go. Every 30 feet or so there was a street light with had like a 10 feet radius of light but outside the radius it was dark. Too dark to see the ring. So I was timing it and the conversation was awkward....well not awkward but strange because I was trying to time it. Well we turn back and sit on the sign that says "Smith Park" and I told her how I knew I wanted to marry her (something she really wanted to know and I told her I would never tell her until we were engaged) and then I got down on one knee pulled out the ring and asked her to marry me. She denies it kind of but let it be known, to everyone reading that she DID cry. She said yes through tears and I put the ring on her finger and we kissed. We then went to her 2 besties' apartment and Karlie Passie and Tevi Camargo were the first to know. Naturally because they were of her friends our 2 greatest fans. They took pictures.

So yea in this picture it looks like I proposed in their apartment. I most certainly did not. 

This was the best night of my life. The play sucked and the hot chocolate wasn't the best but I got engaged to the best friend I have ever had, and I am going to get sealed for time and all eternity. Its only a matter of time. 16 days 23 hours 14 minutes and 12 seconds to be exact. 

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